
British Council International School Award

Collage Making Activity

An ISA activity was conducted in class 5 wherein the students enhanced their awareness about the diverse culture of different places in India and their divergent thinking was challenged while making the collage using various skills like cutting, arranging an array of material, pasting and presenting the work in the best possible manner. The objective of the activity was to enrich the students’ experience of travelling and appreciating the rich cultural heritage of various places in India through sharing their experience and pictures in the class. 

Travel Guide Card

An activity in class 6 for ISA was conducted that involved active participation of students and the teacher. The students selected topics according to their choice and prepared presentation and travel guides on the same.The presentation covered various areas like:- the tourist attraction in various countries, the significance of that place,Steps taken by the government of that place to improve tourism, cultural importance etc.
Learning outcome: Students were very curious to know the heritage and the importance of the tourist attractions in different countries. They actively participated throughout the activity. For them it was a learning experience to cherish throughout their life.

PPT Making

On 21st July 2019 , Under ISA Activity “Sojourning through Places” Students of class VIII presented a Power Point Presentation on different countries like Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh  and Tawain showcasing cultural backgrounds, attractions and weather condition of these countries. The activity enabled the students to recognise and relate the uniqueness of culture and tradition of different countries. The activity enabled the students to acquire artistic skills and appreciate diversity across borders.